
Leisure Networks appoints a wellness check coordinator


1 April 2020

The health and safety of Leisure Networks customers, staff and communities is our priority. We have a duty of care to provide a safe, health promoting work environment that minimises the risks of exposure to COVID-19.

Today we are pleased to let you know that we have created a new role so that all customers can trust that they will be safe when being supported by Leisure Networks staff. Tegan Curwood has been appointed to the position of Coordinator, Wellness Check Co-ordinator COVID-19.

Also starting from today, we are implementing a phone-based Wellness Check for:

  • All customers who are being provided with direct disability support services in their home or a public space
  • All staff providing direct disability support services in a person’s home or a public space
  • Any staff member or customer who has a question or concern about their own circumstances related to COVID-19

This purpose of Tegan’s role is to be an expert regarding the prevention and management of COVID-19 contagion within the Leisure Networks workforce and customers.  The position will provide support and advice to all our people,and will also enable safe rostering and delivery of essential disability support services during the COVID-19 crisis.

Tegan will be known to many of our customers. She has a nursing qualification and has significant experience in the application of infection control and prevention principles. Tegan has worked as a support worker and understands the needs of many of the people we support. Tegan will be an important person if you have any questions about your health or the health of a member of your household.

Tegan can also provide assistance in helping you understand how to stay safe and healthy at home and how to follow the important measures which the Government has directed.

If you or a family member has any questions or if you would like to speak directly with Tegan please call our Customer Engagement Team during office our hours on phone 5222 3911.

How are we supporting our staff and customers to be safe and healthy?

At Leisure Networks we are pleased to have a broad range of strategies that support the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers, these include:

  1. Ensuring good personal hygiene practices;
  2. Only being in the company of one other person when in the community – 1:1 shifts only;
  3. Only providing in-home support after a risk assessment has been completed, this includes knowing the health status of all household members;
  4. Always practising 1.5 meters social distancing within all office spaces and while providing in-home supports;
  5. Not coming to work or being supported on a shift under any circumstances if feeling unwell;
  6. Implementing the Leisure Networks Covid-19 Wellness Check with staff and customers over the phone prior to every support shift including conducting a temperature checks where possible for all customers and staff;
  7. Use of masks and gloves when it is appropriate to do so;
  8. Use of hand sanitisers when working in LN office spaces, community settings, in-homes or when transporting a customer;
  9. Immediately contacting Tegan, Libby or Pip if COVID-19 contagion, exposure is queried, suspected or confirmed.

If you have any queries about what you are required to do to stay safe, please download the Australian Government Coronavirus (CODI-19) App. You can also call the National Coronavirus Helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1800 020 080.

Over the last 30 years Leisure Networks has been supporting people with disabilities to be independent and connected in their community – in this very uncertain time, we want to continue ensuring our customers are safe and still feel connected – we have an incredibly skilled team that can assist with making this happen.

Stay safe and take care everyone,


CEO Leisure Networks

Leisure Networks respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. We are committed to inclusive communities.