LN Consultancy Services are focused on building a more resilient, connected and sustainable sport and recreation sector.
Leisure Networks can tailor services to the needs of community, sport and business organisations. Contact us on (03) 5222 3911 to find out how we can add value and achieve outcomes for a community that is both connected and thriving.
Tackle Your Feelings
Tackle Your Feelings is a FREE mental health training program for community football & netball clubs. The program is delivered by a local psychologist and aims to help participants gain the tools to Understand, Recognise and Respond to signs of mental ill-health in their players. Registrations for the 2024 Program are now open
Event Management
Since 2018, we have been delivering the Women in Sport Breakfast series and events with numerous Councils across the Barwon region and in metropolitan Melbourne. Speakers at events to date have included Sam Lane, Emma Carney, Lisa Hasker, Genevieve Gregson (nėe LaCaze), Guy Malloy, Bianca Chatfield, Rochelle Eime, Ash Brazill and Chloe Molloy, along with a number of local ‘Champions of Change’.
Club Development Workshops & Programs
Covering such topics as volunteer recruitment & retention, grant support, financial basics and sustainability, governance, innovation and planning. We will ensure clubs complete activities in tailored workshops that help build realistic and actionable initiatives.
Facility Planning & Activation
Leisure Networks has partnered with a number of councils to activate underutilised sporting/community pavilions and open spaces. The outcomes have been to provide the community with the opportunity to utilise local infrastructure and support individuals and groups within the community by building awareness and participation in sport and recreation.
Strategic Planning & Innovation
Our strategic planning service involves reviewing current documents; member stakeholder survey; committee workshop; Governance and Financial review and recommendations; members’ forum; developing a 12 month action plan and preparing a formal strategic planning documentation for a three year period.
Coaching & Participation Growth
Delivery of practical workshops based on grassroots coaching for women and girls, upskilling and training for committees with a focus on gender equity, and disability awareness.
Diversity and Inclusion Training & Development
Practical inclusive coaching projects for clubs, with the elements of supporting people with a disability to participate. This includes the incorporation of both practical and content knowledge and learnings for clubs considering adding disability programs to their services. This is delivered as either specific municipality-wide workshops, club-specific workshops, or as an element of diversity and inclusion projects.
Club & Association Administration
Administration support includes preparing presentations for meetings, minute taking and development of marketing and promotional material. To ensure effective and efficient day-to-day running of your community organisation other services may include Book Keeping; Policies and procedure development; Event Management; Competition Management & Committee tasks.
Mini Movers
Developed in 2019 through a detailed research project, Mini Movers is a physical literacy-based program that uses sports as a vehicle to increase the motor skills of children ensuring they have the confidence, social skills and tools to stay physically active for the years to come!
Power 2 Pedal
Power 2 Pedal is a bike riding program for kids with autism that encourages participants to learn to ride a bike in a safe and fun environment. The program creates a social network for families where they can share experiences to help them become more connected in their community. Learning to ride a bike offers participants many benefits not only physically but also socially.
Youth Leading Culture
In partnership with Vic Health – Jump Start Future Healthy, this project will provide a co-design approach bringing together youth leadership, arts, community clubs and kitchens while increasing opportunity for active sport participation of Karenni and Sudanese youth in Greater Geelong. We are interested in hearing from young people who are interested in the project.
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Contact LN Consulting
If you would like some more information about our consulting services, please fill out the below form and one of our friendly LN Consulting team members will contact you shortly, alternatively you can call (03) 5222 3911 (during business hours) and speak to one of the team directly.