Vicky’s connection with Leisure Networks began more than eight years ago when she joined our Masterchef program with Bruce and Raelene. Since then, she has been a part of so many of our group programs.
“It gives me something to do. Making new friendships and the staff as well,” says Vicky.
She tells us that she keeps coming back because it is a “good space, I make new friends every day.” Vicky has also stayed connected with a number of friends she has made through our group programs, outside of Leisure Networks.
Her favourite activity by far is the photography group. A lot of the artwork that adorns the walls of Leisure Networks HQ is by members of the photography group over the years. Vicky is working on a similar piece, and we hope to have it up on the walls soon.
Vicky likes taking photos and learning new skills. As well as taking photos, the group spend time at the library editing their photos using photoshop. Vicky already knows how to use photoshop, so she can share her skills with other people in the group.
According to Vicky, Leisure Networks helps her “with everything.” She often drops into Leisure Networks on her way to or from a program just to have a chat with the staff who she has gotten to know over the years. With their vast experience in disability supports, the team can help connect Vicky to services in the community, such as how to connect with her bank, which can open doors to more independent living and many more opportunities.